
Zonda - Największa Polska giełda cyfrowych walut

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name wrapper

Name wrapping, also known as „namewrapping,” is a technique used in the world of cryptoassets that involves hiding the true owner of a digital asset by manipulating the structure of digital wallet addresses. This practice aims to maintain anonymity or make it difficult to identify the participants of transactions in the blockchain space.

How Does Name Wrapping Work?

The basic way name wrapping works is by substituting a digital wallet address with another, usually more complex one, that hinders the identification of the owner. This potentially allows for concealing transaction traces and complicating the analysis of activities on the blockchain network. This process may involve several steps, such as transferring digital assets between different wallets and utilizing various services offering this functionality.

Advantages and Risks Associated with Name Wrapping

One of the main advantages of using name wrapping is maintaining privacy and preserving the anonymity of transaction participants in the realm of cryptoassets. This enables individuals seeking to avoid identification or monitoring of their activities to use this technique to protect their identity.

However, there are also some risks associated with name wrapping. Primarily, it can be used for illegal purposes such as money laundering or funding terrorism. Additionally, concealing the true owners of assets may lead to difficulties in tracking suspicious activities and impede the enforcement of legal regulations.


Name wrapping is a technique employed in the world of cryptoassets to hide the true owners of digital assets through manipulation of digital wallet addresses. While it can be useful for individuals concerned about their privacy, it also carries the risk of being utilized for illicit activities. Therefore, it is important to use this technique judiciously and in compliance with legal regulations.

20 grudnia 2024 | 15:01


Zonda - Największa Polska giełda cyfrowych walut