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Revolution Games and Immutable X: revolution in the world of games!

Revolve Games teams up with Immutable X to revolutionize gaming experiences. By utilizing Immutable's cutting-edge blockchain technology, gamers can expect improved speed, security, and affordability. The partnership also includes a grant program enhancing game development. CEO Dan Jensen highlights the potential for creating a stable gaming ecosystem. Immutable X aims to democratize digital ownership in the gaming industry.

23 lipca 2024 | 18:57

Revolve Games and Immutable X: A Partnership for Enhanced Gaming Experiences

Revolve Games has recently announced its strategic partnership with Immutable X, a leading blockchain technology provider. The collaboration aims to improve the quality of gamers’ experiences by leveraging advanced technological solutions offered by Immutable X.

Benefits of Partnering with Immutable X

One of the key advantages of Immutable X is Immutable zkEVM, which ensures unparalleled transaction speed, scalability, and security. The platform also offers Immutable Passport, facilitating wallet integration and Mastercard payments through Moonpay. By utilizing Validium and Polygon Edge technologies, Immutable X reduces transaction costs and enhances performance.

Immutable X Grant Program for Revolve Games

Revolve Games has been selected for the grant program provided by Immutable X, accelerating game development and the implementation of advanced blockchain features. Through this partnership, Revolve Games will be able to provide users with smooth and secure transactions, eliminating existing entry barriers for players.

CEO Dan Jensen’s Vision for Revolve Games

CEO Dan Jensen of Revolve Games emphasizes the significance of partnering with Immutable X, which not only enables seamless transactions but also creates a stable ecosystem considering players’ impact on game development. Revolve Games’ titles offer modular development, allowing gamers to enjoy diverse experiences while anticipating the release of an ambitious MMORPG.

Immutable X – Democratizing Digital Ownership

Immutable X focuses on the democratization of digital ownership and streamlining the process of creating Web3-based games. Immutable X’s initiatives aim to provide a more accessible and fair environment for gamers, promoting innovation in the computer gaming industry.

For additional information regarding the partnership between Revolve Games and Immutable X, please visit the official Immutable X website. This collaboration is poised to revolutionize the world of computer gaming, offering gamers new and exciting possibilities.