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Blockchain Revolution: Fortune 500 Companies are Investing More

Blockchain technology draws the attention of major corporations worldwide, with Fortune 500 companies increasingly investing in blockchain projects. The average budget for such initiatives reaches $9.5 million, indicating a substantial commitment. While interest is rising, challenges like the shortage of experts persist in the USA. Collaboration opportunities with American partners are seen as favorable for driving innovation. A USD-backed digital currency is believed to enhance US economic competitiveness, with 72% endorsing its potential benefits.

31 lipca 2024 | 23:36

Major Companies Showing Increasing Interest in Blockchain Technology

Projects based on blockchain technology are gaining increasing recognition among the world’s largest companies. According to data from the first quarter of 2024, the number of Fortune 100 companies involved in initiatives related to cryptocurrencies, blockchain, or Web3 increased by an impressive 39% compared to the previous year.

Average Budget for Blockchain Projects

Projects related to blockchain technology often reach an advanced stage of development, with an average budget of $9.5 million. This is evidence of growing commitment and investment in this field by global corporations.

Popularity of Blockchain Among Top Corporations

56% of Top Fortune 500 Companies Invest in Blockchain Technology

According to a CoinBase report, as many as 56% of the largest companies on the Fortune 500 list have admitted that their companies are actively working on projects based on blockchain technology. This is a significant number, highlighting the increasing interest in the potential of this innovative technology.

Interest in Blockchain Among Small Businesses

68% of Small Businesses Interested in Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is attracting not only the largest corporations but also small businesses. A staggering 68% of small firms have shown positive interest in blockchain, indicating its versatility and potential for various industries and business scales.

Challenges for Blockchain Adoption

Although interest in blockchain technology in the USA is on the rise, the country still has much to do to fully harness the potential of these innovative projects. The main obstacle for top representatives of Fortune 500 companies in the USA is not the lack of regulations, but the shortage of blockchain specialists and experts.

Potential for Collaboration with the USA

Over Three-Quarters of Large Enterprises Would Like to Collaborate with a Partner from the USA

There is a clear willingness to collaborate with the USA in the field of blockchain technology – over 75% of large enterprises have expressed interest in working with a partner from the USA, which could pave the way for the development of innovative solutions and projects.

Significance of a USD-Backed Digital Currency

72% Believe a „USD-Backed Digital Currency” Will Maintain US Economic Competitiveness

The development of a USD-backed digital currency could be crucial for maintaining US economic competitiveness on the international stage. According to respondents, 72% believe that such an initiative could bring benefits to the American economy and financial sector.