
Zonda - Największa Polska giełda cyfrowych walut

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Polskie Stowarzyszenie Bitcoin

unspent transaction output (utxo)

Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO), also known as unspent transaction output, is an important concept in the world of cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin. Understanding this term is crucial for individuals using blockchain technology and engaging in cryptocurrency transactions.

What is Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO)?

Unspent transaction output refers to funds that have been sent to a cryptocurrency wallet address but have not yet been spent in another transaction. In other words, UTXO is the amount of cryptocurrency assigned to a specific address and can only be spent once to execute a new transaction.

How do Unspent Transaction Outputs work?

When a user receives a payment in cryptocurrency, unspent transaction outputs are created and stored at that wallet address. When the user decides to send funds, they must spend all or part of their UTXO by assigning them to a new transaction. The blockchain system tracks these unspent transaction outputs to ensure transparency and transaction integrity.

Advantages of UTXO

The UTXO model offers several benefits compared to the traditional ledger model known in banking. Firstly, it allows for greater transaction privacy as wallet addresses are not linked to a user’s identity. Additionally, UTXO helps prevent double spending, which is crucial for the security of the cryptocurrency network.


Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) is a significant component of the blockchain system that enables tracking and managing the flow of cryptocurrencies. Understanding this concept is crucial for individuals involved in cryptocurrency transactions and for developers creating applications based on blockchain technology.

The UTXO model enables effective management of cryptocurrency funds and ensures the security and integrity of transactions in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Maintaining transparency and credibility in cryptocurrency transactions is crucial for the ongoing development of this innovative industry.

20 grudnia 2024 | 15:01


Zonda - Największa Polska giełda cyfrowych walut